Chapter 37 In which the logician puts the record straight

In the run up to Christmas Loretta Martin had struck up something of a friendship with the logician, and had popped in for tea and a chat on several occasions after work; the shop never seemed to have any customers, and he always seemed pleased to see her.
'Hi,' she said. 'I just wondered what you thought of all this fuss about what Brian Localbloke said about immigration, and people accusing him of being racist.'
'Oh, don't get me started,' sighed the logician. 'I've never read such a lot drivel in all my life. Trying to make out that talking about immigrants and their effect on the local economy is in any way connected to racism is utterly mad, and anyone who suggests it should be in a padded cell. Funnily enough most of this stuff seems to be coming from ex-Lib-Dems who are now evangelical born-again Tories. But then why would we expect these people to apply logic to any discussion? Reality is clearly a place to which these people seldom venture, and anyone who expresses any kind of doubt in the rosy future mapped out by Dr Pangloss is automatically denounced as some kind of dangerous subversive. Take tonight's edition of the Westphalia Express for example: in the editorial critics of Dr Pangloss's plans are described as 'snipers'. And guess what? On the front page the firm of consultants that we are paying an arm and a leg for have been upgraded to 'experts'. You couldn't make it up. The Westphalia Express has cosied up to the mayor in a big way.'
'Have you thought of writing to the paper to put the case for the other side?' asked Loretta.
'Waste of time. You couldn't write what you wanted to - they'd edit the letters. It would be like Galileo trying to get his ideas published in his local parish news. It just isn't going to happen. No, the only way to get your opinion across without censorship is on the internet.'


Anonymous said...

Absolutely spot on (as usual!) Thank you !

Anonymous said...

I said to the Queen, "if it aint broke, don't fix it". The Queen said "I dont like that phrase, and me and Dr Pangloss are going to fix it anyway. Off with his head!"

Anonymous said...

I just thought that the Westphalia Express were interested in healthy living and early intervention of disease. That's why they spend all their time up the mayor's arse watching out for any early indication of bowel cancer.

Anonymous said...

This elaborate deception by the liberal elite in Torbay to portray Localbloke as being tough on immigrants fools no one.

This is cynical voter manipulation at its worst. Does anyone seriously believe Localbloke hasn't colluded with some of these critics to win him massive public support?

How stupid of the Wetphalia Express to allow itself to be played in this way.

He may have fooled the paper but he hasn't fooled us.

Nick Griffin