Chapter 69 In which new consultants arrive with some new brand ideas

"Come in, come in," said a welcoming Dr Pangloss as he ushered his latest consultant into his office.
"What was it you wanted to see me about?" asked the slightly bemused Christine Custard, head of Rhubarb & Custard, the firm of consultants which had won the contract to draw up the Cote de Westphalia's latest tourism strategy.
"Well, I just wanted a sneak preview of what you are going to say in your tourism briefing at the Conference, Recreation And Performance Centre - what are you going to say to the good people who turn up at the C.R.A.P. Centre to listen to your words of wisdom?"
"Well we'll start by saying that we can turn the Cote de Westphalia's tourism industry around within five years, and that the place has the potential to become Britain's premier resort."
"Blimey, that's optimistic," gasped Pangloss, as a shrill whistle escaped his lips. "Can it really be done?"
"Oh yes, we believe the place could be Britain's premier resort within five to 10 years."
"Hang on," said Pangloss, "you said 'within five years' just now ..."
"Five years? Ten years? What's the difference?" asked Ms Custard.
"Well it's double, isn't it? That's quite an important detail, I'd have thought."
"Details, shmee-tails, who give's a rat's ass? Don't start trying to pin me down on details. I'm here to give a powerpoint presentation, to show people the bigger picture."
"But I thought the Devil was in the detail. I used to say that a lot."
"Not in consultancy, my friend, not in consultancy. The best consultancy is a pure art form. It is not infected with the ugly contaminating force of details. I'll thank you not to mention details again."
"Oh, OK," said a rather chastised Pangloss.
"Early on in the talk I'll throw in the old branding issue and say that needs to be tackled."
"Oh, branding again?" remarked Pangloss. "Our last consultants said that too. They cost us a pretty penny, I can tell you."
"Which firm was that?" asked Custard, suddenly on the defensive.
"Complete Commercial Upgrades and New Town Solutions - heard of them?"
"Yeah, I think we used to call them something else, though. Now what was it? No, it's gone. Anyway, what do they know about branding? They couldn't consult their way out of a paper bag."
"Really?" said Pangloss.
"Amateurs, the lot of them. Bet they told you to change the name of the place, didn't they? Rename the station and pretend it's in the middle of the town? Become a city?"
"Well yes. they did actually. I must say I liked those idea a lot. I even had a special name for them. I called them 'my vision'."
"You what? You're having a fucking laugh, aren't you? Well, vision or not, you'd better start disliking those ideas, because they're shit."
"Blimey, right, well, you're the boss, I suppose. What are you going to do about branding then?"
"I don't know yet, do I? I'll scribble something on the back of a fag packet in a minute. Look, I'm just going to say 'your branding needs some work' for the moment, and leave it at that. No need for details; details are for pussies."
"So you're the resort's new tourism consultant - what else are you going to say to the business people at the special tourism presentation?"
"I'll say 'You have to embrace the importance of this review because changes are happening,' and 'if you don't embrace those changes there are going to be some quite big problems'."
"Doesn't that all sound a bit meaningless?"
"Maybe it does, but we're hired now, so I can say whatever I like. I'll go on to say that we need their support and we greatly value their input. That's coded shorthand for 'actually it's you who will have to get yourselves out of this mess, because we will just give a few presentations and then bugger off when our cheque's cleared'. I might even say that we want to help them and build on what they have achieved so far, and that they should be very proud of what they have achieved so far, but I'm not sure, because it's sounds quite condescending and will have half the audience reaching for the sick bags."
"Hm, I see what you mean. Will you be using any jargon? You know, that 'management-speak'?"
"Oh yes, how about this: 'the strategy will try to identify what is working, and then to refresh the existing with the aim of reversing the decline in numbers and visitor spend which the Bay has suffered'"
"Yes, that's great. But what does it mean?"
"It just means we'll try and find out what's wrong and then try and do something about it."
"Oh. Couldn't we just do that ourselves?"
"Don't be ridiculous. You can't have any Tom Dick or Harry walking around the place deciding what's wrong and then making cheap suggestions about how to put it right."
"Why not?"
"Because it's skilled consultancy work, that's why. You have to be able to follow it up with a powerpoint presentation and accept a big fat cheque for your troubles."
"Well, anyway, what are the solutions?"
"Don't jump the gun. We don't really focus on solutions, especially at this early stage. First we've got to have some findings."
"Yes, findings. Stuff that we find out. Like the fact that you are perceived currently as having a problem with alcoholism, too many old people, and too many yobs. That will probably all go into our findings."
"But you haven't had to find that out. That's just comon knowledge. Everybody knows those things, and much more besides."
"Well, what everybody knows doesn't interest us. This isn't about what local people know - it's about the findings of a consultant. And when a consultant presents you with their findings, what do you think you have to do?"
"Er,... believe in them?" stammered Pangloss, hesitatingly.
"That's right, you're learning, you have to believe in their findings, you have to live and breathe them, they are not to gather dust on any top shelf."
"But that's where we keep our consultants' findings," protested Pangloss. "Mainly because up til now they've always been shit."
"Well, rest assured we'll come up with some good findings all right. We'll probably find that everybody goes on holiday abroad because it hotter and they can get cheap flights."
"But that's just common knowledge again. You can't charge us for saying stuff like that. It's not fair."
"Look Dr Pangloss," said Ms Custard through gritted teeth. "I'm the consultant here, not you, and I'll decide what my bloody findings are going to be, all right?"
"A-l-l right," stammered Pangloss. "There's no need to be aggressive."
"Another finding will be that between 40 and 50 per cent of shopping in tourist areas is done by visitors."
"Oh, come on, you can't be serious? You're coming to a tourist area, and telling the people who live here that half of the stuff aimed at tourists and sold in gift shops in touristy areas is bought by ... TOURISTS! You can't charge people for telling them the bleeding obvious!"
"We can and we will. In fact, we have - you've already paid the first installment. And I'll tell you something else too - you have some serious gaps in the tourism offer which are holding you back, and if you continue to allow numbers to decline, shops will continue to close."
"You don't say," said Pangloss wearily.
"Oh I do say," replied Ms Custard, "and while tourism is estimated to be worth £400million to the area, we want to research the exact figure because we believe it is higher."
"But what's the point of that? We know tourism is important. What the point of wasting time on that?"
"Because wasting time is money, Dr Pangloss. "Our time, your money. Well, your council taxpayers' money, to be precise. A bit of research is great to refer to during a presentation - always makes it seem that you know what you're talking about. The industry will be receiving a questionnaire ..."
"A questionnaire? Why not just stop any one person in the street and ask them? They'll be able to tell you. I can tell you - right now!"
"Yes, well that's as may be, but I'd rather do a questionnaire, if you don't mind. You see, questionnaires produce findings, and findings are revealed at presentations, and presentations is what consultancy is all about. So if you take away the questionnaires you won't have much left - just a finger buffet and some name badges, really. No, take away the questionnaires and you will make consultants redundant - and that cannot be allowed to happen - we are too important to society."
With that she looked at her watch. "Crikey, I'm going to be late - I really must be going."
"Yes, yes of course" mumbled Pangloss.
As Ms Custard got up to go Dr Pangloss was beginning to get that knotted feeling in his stomach again. He could see this latest hiring of a consultant being a PR disaster. He wondered if what she said would be reported in the Westphalia Express. Who was he trying to kid? - of course it would. There was only one course of action to take - he would have to call the editor and ask him not to report anything that Ms Custard said on the grounds that it would be very silly and cost a ludicrous amount of money.
He picked up the reciever and hit the speed dial button, absent-mindedly noting to himself that he could barely make out the symbol on that particular button, it having been worn away from overuse.
Ms Custard was halfway out the door when she shouted "the daft strategy should be ready by the end of May." At least that's what Pangloss thought she said.


Candide said...

Whatever you tried to post, it didn't work!

Mrs Nito said...

How dare you obviously Artichoke Villas is the Premier sea-side venue . Oh sorry my dear I was forgetting it's for the deceased.